Body Sculpting - Shape YourselF

Body sculpting withoutstanding results.

Compelling Results

truSculpt® iD is a personalized body sculpting and fat reduction platform that is clinically proven to eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and decrease circumference in your flanks.

Achieve long-lasting results in as little as one 15-minute treatment. We generally recommend 2-4 treatments performed at 4-6 week intervals. However, the number of treatments needed depends on the areas you want to slim.

The results are outstanding. Up to 24% of the fat can disappear after your treatment, and the appearance of cellulite is greatly diminished.

Start now with a consultation.

Suitable for women and men seeking to look their best at any age.

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Remove Stubborn Fat - Sculpt Your Body

If you’re following a healthy diet and exercising, but you’re not seeing the physical improvements you want, truSculpt® iD may be the ideal treatment for you. Patients who aren’t ready for liposuction or other surgical treatments can greatly benefit from truSculpt® iD, an alternative to liposuction that uses radiofrequency energy to heat and destroy fatty tissue.

HOW DOES truSculpt® iD WORK?

truSculpt iD is a safe, non-invasive treatment that helps achieve a slimmer, more contoured physique, with the added benefit of tightening and smoothing the skin. truSculpt iD can treat two body areas at once and can be used for patients with higher BMIs.

During a treatment session, the truSculpt handpiece is gently moved over your body in the targeted area or areas. The device delivers radiofrequency pulses to heat the fatty tissue beneath. This damages the fat cells, which are then naturally flushed out by the body over the following days and weeks.

The radiofrequency energy also stimulates the production of collagen, which is what your body uses to create stronger, smoother skin.

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Benefits of truSculpt iD

This non-invasive, highly effective body sculpting treatment provides many benefits for patients who want to slim and contour their figure.

Non-invasive.Highly effectivetailored sculpting.

How Does The truSculpt® iD
Treatment Feel?

truSculpt® iD uses RF energy to heat and destroy the fatty tissues under the skin, but it is a painless treatment. Patients describe the treatments to be similar to a hot stone massage, including a warming sensation. Your treatment time is short, and there may be some redness in the area, which fades quickly, There is no downtime after your treatment and no aftercare required. You may experience some swelling or tenderness in the treated areas. This resolves in a few hours. After your treatment, you can return to the typical activities of your day as you usually would.

What Areas Can Be Contoured With truSculpt® iD

The truSculpt® iD device can effectively slim a range of body areas, including the following:


Love handles





Double Chin

Am I A Good Candidate?

truSculpt® iD treatments are for patients who would like to achieve body contouring without surgery. truSculpt® iD is ideal for patients with any skin type or color. Ideal candidates for truSculpt meet the following requirements:
Because truSculpt® iD is a customized and tailored body sculpting treatment to meet individual needs, most adult men and women are good candidates. This procedure is versatile and effective to treat a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and presence of skin laxity.

Procedure details

The radiofrequency energy heats pockets of excess fat cells and the body flushes them out over the next 12 weeks. The heat also provides some mild skin-tightening benefits, as well as a temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite. truSculpt® iD has six panels, so we can treat multiple areas at one time.
To begin, we will position you comfortably and place the truSculpt ID panels in their optimal positions and make sure that the machine is best configured for the results you want.
Once setup is complete – the active treatment can be as fast as 15 minutes and cover multiple treatment areas.
The pulses of heat that are emitted from each handpiece feel most similar to a hot stone massage, and are not uncomfortable.
Post-procedure, the treatment area will be warm and flushed for less than one hour. While you may experience mild sensitivity to the touch for a few days, you’ll be able to immediately return to normal activities and exercise.


FAQ - truSculpt® iD Body Sculpting


*Individual results vary and are not guaranteed.

1 Amy Taub, MD ASDS 2017 Poster Presentation.

Actual resultsfrom expertsin aesthetic medicine.

Your initial consultation is free and complimentary.

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