LimeLight Skin Treatment

Because a more even-looking skinis achievable.

The LimeLight IPL laser skin treatment can significantly reduce or remove brown spots, skin redness, tiny veins, and sun damage.

Lime Light delivers a non-invasive light treatment that can be customized for different skin tones and aging skin conditions. The result is an exceptionally effective skin rejuvenation treatment with minimal discomfort.

Cosmetic procedures near Aurora

How IPL for Liver Spots Works

When the laser pulses touch the skin, the energy is absorbed by pigment cells and turns into heat, causing the melanin to break apart. The body then removes the melanin and the spot disappears or dramatically lessens in appearance

Brown spots on our skin come in various names: brown spots, age spots, liver spots, sun damage spots, café au lait spots, freckles, and solar lentigines among others. They occur on our skin as we age and as our sun exposure continues to add up.

IPL photofacial treatment can reduce and delay the signs of aging. New spots may form over time but we can effectively remove or diminish your existing spots.

Benefits of LimeLight IPL for Brown Spots*

This treatment targets skin blemishes while keeping smooth skin safe. The IPL pulses heat primarily darker spots, triggering melanin dissolution, while lighter skin does not absorb enough energy to cause any damage.

With just a few sessions, laser brown spot removal can be very effective. One to four sessions is standard, and many of the spots may be removed in just one treatment.

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Safelyand effectivelytreat skin spots.

Look younger with cosmetic treatments in Aurora

Brown Spots

Brown spots usually form on exposed skin on the face, neck, décolletage, shoulders, etc. – and LimeLight laser can effectively trigger dissolution of the melanin forming these spots, clearing the skin and restoring a youthful appearance.

Skin Tone & Texture

LimeLight facial laser treatment will increase the amount of collagen and diminish redness, resulting in improved skin tone and texture.


Treatment boosts collagen production and reduces pore size, irregular texture, and signs of aging. Pores can shrink and Imperfections will fade, supporting smooth and healthy looking skin.

Diffuse Redness

Many individuals with this condition often experience rosy cheeks due to dilated capillaries. The most common affected areas on the body include the nose, forehead and cheeks. Although this may be hereditary, treatment can help by reducing the redness.


The treatment will reduce the bacteria that cause acne, diminish visible breakouts, improve collagen production, and reduce pore size – all of which will support clearer skin and reduced breakouts.

Acne Scars

Scarring can be reduced and faded with the treatment. IPL treatments trigger a healing response in acne scars

Procedure details

Before the treatment begins we will clean and lubricate your skin, and you will wear protective goggles on your eyes. The device wavelengths will be set based on the treatment objectives. A numbing cream may be applied as needed.
The handheld IPL device will go right on your skin, and will be repeatedly passed over the treatment area.
LimeLight is a quick procedure done in under 30 minutes. Large treatment areas could take longer.
While most people are fine with the light pulses, the treatment could sting a little. It might feel like someone is snapping a rubber band on you.
There may be minor redness after treatment.You can drive and resume normal activities immediately after the procedure, using sunscreen in any outdoor activities.
laser treatment gets rid of liver spots on face York

Before & After Limelight Skin Treatment



*Individual results vary and are not guaranteed.


Actual resultsfrom expertsin aesthetic medicine.

Your initial consultation is free and complimentary.

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