Neuromodulator Injection

Don’t let wrinklesgive awayyour age.​

Wrinkle relaxers, also known as neuromodulators, are products injected into the facial muscles responsible for wrinkles and fine lines to relax those muscles.

The ingredients in these products block the signal between nerve and muscle, thereby reducing its ability to contract and form wrinkles, creating a refreshed or relaxed appearance. Treatment is quick, simple, and relatively painless, with no downtime.

Get rid of wrinkles in Aurora

How Wrinkle Smoothing Works

Frown lines and facial wrinkles form when facial expressions are made as the muscle under the skin contracts. Over time, as your skin ages, these repeated expressions cause lasting frown lines. Neuromodulators block the release of chemicals that cause these muscle contractions so frown lines are softened. The treatment we use is made through a unique precision process that isolates the therapeutic component of the neuromodulator molecule and removes the accessory proteins that don’t play an active role in treatment. This highly purified neuromodulator injection safely and effectively reduces facial lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of Serona Neuromodulator Injection*

With the double-filtered formula that removes unnecessary proteins you get only what’s needed for smoother frown lines, treatment after treatment. Our treatment is less likely to cause allergic reactions due to the absence of added fillers.

Treatment isquick and simplewith unique precision.

Areas Treated With Neuromodulator Injection

Remove fine lines in York

Horizontal Forehead Lines

Forehead lines and temple wrinkles are treatable with our purified neuromodulator injections. Licensed by Health Canada, we use advanced patented technology resulting in safe and effective treatments.

Transverse Forehead Lines

Keep your natural expressions while smoothing your face while at rest.

Wrinkles Between Eyebrows

Smooth the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows and around the eyes.

Crow’s Feet

Reduce the appearance of crow’s feet wrinkles on the outside of the eye. Restore skin to a smoother appearance.

Wrinkles Above and Below Lips

Lines above and below your lips can be difficult to hide. Our treatment can relax lines smoothly so that your lips feel natural.

Wrinkles in the Nose

Relax your “rabbit lines” and potentially shed years from your appearance.

Wrinkle Reduction Procedure

Our injectable wrinkle relaxing treatments are an effective way to restore a natural looking youthful appearance. Both women and men are treated with neuromodulator injection at Serona Medispa.

After skin cleaning and an optional skin-numbing cream (as needed) the injections will be precisely made in the target zones with a tiny needle. We may ask you to smile, frown, raise your eyebrows, crinkle your nose, or make other expressions.
Filler injection will take about 10 minutes depending on the number of areas being treated. Your initial appointments will also include time for consultation.
There will be minimal discomfort during the treatment. You’ll probably feel pinching but not pain during the injections.
Do not rub the injection sites for a few hours after your treatment. This keeps the product from spreading into other areas. You may experience minor tenderness, swelling, or a headache. You will be able to go back to your normal activities right after treatment, except for vigorous exercise.
Injections to get rid of frown lines Aurora

Before & After Neuromodulator Injection

Before & After Neuromodulator Injection

Wrinkle relaxers in Aurora

Neuromodulator FAQ


*Individual results vary and are not guaranteed.

Actual resultsfrom expertsin aesthetic medicine.

Your initial consultation is free and complimentary.

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$8/unit for Premium Neuromodulator Injection
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